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Islands of Aotearoa

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Islands of Aotearoa, NZ

Ko te ahurei o te tamaiti arahia o tatou mahi  (Let the uniqueness of the child guide our work).

The Maori of New Zealand have built their culture around the strength of family. Here in the village of Aotearoa you will marvel at the power of love.

Cultural Presentation:  20-minute presentations offered throughout the day

What you’ll experience

Your Maori experience begins as you are formally welcomed to the village, and deepens as you listen to our harmonic songs and feel the power of the Haka, a Maori war dance. You can test your agility (or lack thereof) by learning ancient games of skill still taught to Maori school children. Next, watch our skilled artisans carve some deadly looking weapons, discover some of the more interesting cooking and food preservation methods (dried and oiled bird sound good to you?) and learn about a type of facial tattoo that was definitely only for the brave!

Talk to a Villager

The Polynesian Cultural Center is proud to share the culture and spirit of The Land of the Long White Cloud (Aotearoa) with the world. Our villagers welcome your questions and the opportunity to tell the stories of their beloved ancestral home.
